We’ve heard tales of dinosaurs, watched them in movies and seen them in the museums.

But it is only today we discovered, they survived and live in a deeply hidden forest amongst us.

Join us as our rangers lead you on an immersive trek into their living habitat, upclose in a live indoor forest where they roam!

Opening hours:
Weekends, Public & School Holidays (10am-8pm)
Tuesday to Friday (5pm-8pm)

Duration: 1.5hrs per Guided Trail
Location: Dinoland@SAFRA Yishun
Promo Tickets: $35 $32/pax (+ 10% Off for SAFRA Members)

Their long necks grew up to 15m

Length: Up to 22m
Weight: Up to 17 Tonnes
Diet: Herbivore

“Rex” means “king” in Latin

Length: Up to 12.4m
Weight: Up to 9 Tonnes
Diet: Carnivore

3 horns up to 1.2m in length

Length: Up to 9m
Weight: Up to 12 Tonnes
Diet: Herbivore

The world’s first flying vertebrates

Length: Up to 6m (wingspan)
Weight: Up to 250kg
Diet: Carnivore

Teeth the size of bananas

Length: Up to 12m
Weight: Up to 5 Tonnes
Diet: Carnivore

Fast, Nimble & Hunts in Packs

Length: Up to 2m
Weight: Up to 7kg
Diet: Carnivore



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Limited Promo: $35 $32 per ticket
(+10% Off for SAFRA Members)
Duration: 1.5 Hours

Weekends, School & Public Holidays